Sunday, December 3, 2017

'Til Death Do Us Part - Part 46

Sarah listened to the silky tones of Shirley Sue’s voice as it melted away through the wall of the interrogation room. She strained her ears in an effort to pick out a word or phrase from the murmurs as she waited for her turn, but the walls were too thick. A cold chill raced down her spine as her mind drifted to the thought of Aura laying on top of her. She had been subject to the sensation all morning, as though a whole army of ghosts had been parading across her grave.

Fatigue began to set in and Sarah blinked her eyes in an attempt to fight off the waves of sleep as they washed over her. The hum of a fan in the background intermingled with the sing song tone of Shirley Sue’s voice, inviting her to rest her head.

A shadow passed in front of her and she glanced up in time to see a pair of black slacks move toward the interrogation door. Through the haze of her rapidly blinking eyelids, Sarah registered the hollow sound of the man rapping on the interrogation room. He carried a large yellow envelope which twitched at his side as he waited for the door to open. A moment later the wooden door swung open, revealing Rob standing in the door frame.

“Looks like the blades match,” the man said, handing Rob the envelope.

“Thanks Todd.”

“No prob Rob,” Todd said giving a quick nod before marching away.

Rob turned his attention to Sarah. “Sorry to keep you waiting Sarah. You’re welcome to come in now,” he said gesturing for her to enter the room. “I’m just about done with Shirley Sue.”

Sarah stood up and shook head in an effort to clear the heavy fog which clouded her thoughts. “Wait a second,” Sarah said, walking into the room. “Did he say that Aura’s blade matched the murder weapon?”

“It looks that way.”

“Which case?”


Sarah greeted Shirley Sue and took the seat she had previously occupied. Just as her friend began to meander out of the room, the phone on the interview desk rang out and shook violently. Rob answered the phone. The color in his face drained as he listened to the receiver.

“Yes sir.”


“Understood sir.”

With that Rob hung up the phone. “That was the FBI,” he said clearing his throat. “This case is now under their jurisdiction.”

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