Monday, November 27, 2017

'Til Death Do Us Part - Part 41

Rachel's eyes fluttered open, her dreams shattered by the sound of wood squeaking against wood. The night light in the corner cast a soft pink glow around the room. Rachel squeezed a tattered teddy bear. “Did you hear that Mr. Snuggles?” she said. Before Mr. Snuggles could answer, the noise returned.

The springs on the tiny cot squeaked as Rachel sat up. She looked over toward her bed, which Aunt Shirley Sue had been borrowing. “Aunt Turley Tue?” Rachel's tiny voice said, barley above a whisper.

Rachel climbed off the cot and hurried over to her bed. She placed her diminutive fingers on a pink comforter with images of kittens, owls, and bunnies that was draped across the bed. The sheets and comforter were still pulled taut across the surface of the mattress and the pillow remained unoccupied.

“Rachel...” The voice sent a chill racing down Rachel's spine. The voice felt close, as though someone had spoke directly into her ear. She whirled around and faced the window. The soft pink curtains drifted outward, buffeted by the cool night breeze coming through the open window. On the edge of the window sat a beautiful woman. Her pale skin and short black hair stood in stark contrast to each other in the soft pink glow of the night light.

“How did you know my name?”

“Your name? I'm afraid I don't know your name.” The woman sighed and a small crystalline tear traveled down the side of her cheek. “I was looking for my doll and her name is Rachel.” The woman burst into tears.

“Don't be sad!” Rachel said as she crept over to the figure sitting on the shadowy windowsill.

“But I've lost her and I don't know where to find her.”

“What does she look like?”

“Oh, she is the most beautiful doll with long black hair, porcelain skin, and a lovely red bow in her hair. I'm afraid she has wandered off on me and I'll never find her again.”

"Where did you see her last?"

“The last time I saw her, she was dancing on this windowsill before she ran away.”

Rachel's eyes grew wide with amazement, “She dances?”

“But of course! May I come in and look for her?”

Rachel nodded and extended her hand toward the woman. The pair first looked under the bed and then the searched the dresser drawer. The woman let out a sigh. "We'll never find her."

Just then the duo heard what sounded like a mouse sneezing. They made a beeline over to a shelf lined with Rachel's stuffed animals. There in the middle of the shelf sat a doll just like the one the woman had described.

"She is so lovely!" Rachel exclaimed.

“Thank you so much for your help!” The woman pressed the doll up against her chest and hugged it. "What's that you say little Rachel?" She drew the doll up to her ear and listened.

"Little Rachel tells me that she wants to spend the night here with you," the woman said getting down onto her knees. "Is that alright with you?"

Rachel beamed as she nodded. The woman passed the doll to Rachel and the little girl clung tightly to the miniature. Just then Rachel let out a deep yawn and her eyes felt especially heavy. The woman led the her over to the cot and tucked her in.

Rachel's vision grew bleary as she smiled and clung tightly to her new friend. Soon she was dancing and drinking tea with her little Rachel in a deep, sweet dream.

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